What August was

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That’s the end of the month folks

I’m back to my uni town, i have a lot of things to do, today i checked-out from my old room in the uni campus where i live. In the next days i will go to a new and bigger one, sounds cool right?
It doesn’t, i have to clean it all, i already ad to clean all the one i left. ahahah stoooooop.

i got a big mood swing this week. i0m back being the fiery bitch i was last year. i know that somewhere i still hurt. it’s just that i don’t fucking care anymore, i will kille everyone damn. i started enjoying my free time again, my alone time. i missed it so much.
maybe i’m enjoying it too much, like i don’t feel the need do be with anyone, i just want to do want to do my nerdy things and stop.
it’s like catarthic, like i feel free, like i can say what i think without having fear or being anxious.
i can be myself again damn, idk what gotten in me. i now have the strenght to set my fucking boundaries.
i want to meet new people, do new things. i ‘m tired to be scared.

this week i watchet the first season of House of the Dragons. I really liked it but it’s faaaaaar away from what GOT was damna ahahah. Maybe i should open a section here where a do serie tv reviews.
doing this helped me with learning more to self soothe my anxiety because it captivated me for 1h and more and made my attention shift from a matter of irrational anxiety to one of rational relax.

I also started to dye temporarily my hair. i used purple dye on my brown virgin hair, so now i have like a violet burgundy that i really like a lot. maybe i will dye them this color permanently i don’t know.
i have a problem with dark permanent hair colors, because they are hella hard to dye away if i want platinum blonde anythime soon.

I don’t know, i just hope everything continues this way, i really need to be in a good mood. i can’t stand to be half depressed anymore, it just sucks.



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